Nov 1, 2021 | Bamboo Industry, Green Living, Worldwide
These days it’s almost impossible to scroll through the headlines without being assaulted by more bad news about Climate Change and environmental devastation. From islands of garbage to supernatural storm systems, we can see and feel the calamities all around...
Jun 7, 2021 | Agriculture & Gardening, Bamboo Species
Thanks to its strength, resilience and versatility, bamboo has earned a reputation as one of the world’s most remarkable resources. It seems there’s almost nothing bamboo can’t do. You can eat it, you can wear it, you can build a house and you can...
May 26, 2021 | Agriculture & Gardening, Green Living
Over the past couple decades, the world has woken up to the enormous potential of bamboo, and to its remarkable sustainability. Western demand for bamboo has been skyrocketing. Meanwhile, Asian farmers are doing what they can to keep up, and to cash in. But bamboo...