Aug 8, 2022 | Bamboo Industry, Bamboo Products, Green Living
Based on the history of bamboo construction on Gilligan’s Island and in rural villages of the developing world, bamboo has earned a reputation as the “poor man’s lumber”. But as traditional forestry resources are shrinking, and the need for...
Jan 24, 2022 | Alternative Lifestyle, Bamboo Products
Bamboo is a marvelous building material that is both modern and ancient. It confers both simplicity and elegance. And nothing expresses these paradoxical properties better than a bamboo treehouse. When built with care and precision, a bamboo treehouse can withstand...
Nov 22, 2021 | Bamboo Industry, Green Living
Environmental forces are bringing about a transformation in the construction industry, demanding more ecological practices and materials. The old school is sure to resist these changes, but those who embrace the green tide will find themselves at the forefront of a...