Apr 22, 2024 | Agriculture & Gardening
As the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation grow more and more evident, so does the need for solid, perceptible solutions. And as much as we’d like to develop a silver bullet that can swiftly remedy the climate crisis, once and for all,...
Sep 15, 2021 | Agriculture & Gardening, Green Living
If I were to start a list of all the benefits of bamboo cultivation, I would probably end up writing a whole book. As a matter of fact, I basically already have. The volumes of bamboo-related articles I’ve posted on this website could easily fill an...
Sep 9, 2020 | Agriculture & Gardening, Bamboo Species
Bamboo has so many practical uses, it’s like nothing else in the plant kingdom. Beginning thousands of years ago, people were using bamboo to make paper, spears, and primitive housing structures. More recently we have discovered how to make beautiful flooring...