Apr 17, 2024 | Agriculture & Gardening
When you want to grow a plant, you start by germinating a seed. Or so the fairy tales would have you believe. The fact is, when it comes to commercial agriculture, clones and micro tissue cultures are nearly as popular as seeds. Many plants and trees, from apples to...
Mar 22, 2024 | Agriculture & Gardening
From food to flooring, bamboo has thousands of practical uses. But when was the last time someone brought you a bouquet of bamboo flowers? When was the last time you even saw a bamboo flower, for that matter? Perhaps never, because bamboo flowers are both infrequent...
Mar 11, 2024 | Agriculture & Gardening
If a little bit of bamboo is good, then a little more bamboo must be even better. So, when you’re growing bamboo, it’s natural to want to increase your numbers by propagating more plants. Maybe you have an unusually attractive species, and you want more of...