Bamboo vs Algae for Biofuel

Bamboo vs Algae for Biofuel

These are exciting times on planet earth. Our species has never seen such a state of crisis nor opportunity. With environmental pressures pushing us to the brink of extinction, the need for adaptation is sparking all manner of radical innovation. Human activities are...
Panda Poop Fuel: Let’s break it down

Panda Poop Fuel: Let’s break it down

Here at Bambu Batu, the House of Bamboo, we’re pretty much suckers for anything panda-related, and we’ve got a really good gut feeling about this one. In an age of economic uncertainty and unsustainable fossil fuel dependency, the idea of relying on Panda...
Ecclectic electricity: Algae-powered lights

Ecclectic electricity: Algae-powered lights

CFLs and LEDs not quite green enough for you? Solar panels too rigid and unforgiving? How about illuminating your living space with living creatures? Algae has long been used to produce biofuel and clean water, and now it is finding a brand new application as a light...