Jul 20, 2022 | Bamboo Products, Renewable Energy
In an age of fossil fuel dependency and rampant deforestation, bamboo is something of a miracle crop. We use it as an alternative to single-use plastics and pesticide-rich cotton. It even makes a superior building material for everything from furniture to houses. But...
Jan 26, 2022 | Bamboo Industry, Bamboo Products, Green Living, Renewable Energy
If you’re not sure whether the popularity of farming bamboo in America is on the rise, just take a look at my email inbox. Better yet, take my word for it. Nearly every day I hear from farmers and aspiring agrarians across the country who are thinking about...
Nov 25, 2021 | Bamboo Industry, Bamboo Products, Renewable Energy
NOTE: This article about bamboo cars first appeared in 2008. The story was revised in 2021. Is there anything bamboo cannot do? Perhaps, but as Fred Hornaday likes to say: “If it can’t be done with bamboo, it probably shouldn’t be done.”...
Sep 27, 2021 | Bamboo Products, Green Living, Renewable Energy
These are exciting times on planet earth. Our species has never seen such a state of crisis nor opportunity. With environmental pressures pushing us to the brink of extinction, the need for adaptation is sparking all manner of radical innovation. Human activities are...
Mar 31, 2021 | Bamboo Products, Green Living, Renewable Energy
For most of my life, I’ve been playing a small but meaningful role, advocating for the use of bamboo and other renewable resources. I operated two small businesses in the small town of San Luis Obispo, using them as a platform to raise awareness and inspire...
Feb 3, 2021 | Green Living, Renewable Energy
It’s getting harder and harder to know what to believe anymore. But we in the bamboo industry are convinced that Climate Change is not only real but the largest existential threat facing our species today. And of course, we see bamboo as one of the best tools...