Jul 25, 2022 | Bamboo Products, Green Living
The world of bamboo research is a lot like a balloon, where the air inside is what we know, and the outer surface is what we don’t know. The more I read and write about this epic grass, and the more my knowledge expands, the more questions just keep increasing...
Nov 17, 2021 | Bamboo Products, Bamboo Species, Green Living, Worldwide
So you’ve heard about the amazing benefits of bamboo. It can capture great quantities of CO2 from the atmosphere and replace it with vital oxygen. It can restore tropical forests, bolster topsoil, and prevent erosion. Bamboo can even help to purify contaminated...
Mar 26, 2021 | Bamboo Industry, Bamboo Products, Green Living
Every day the world loses something close to 100,000 trees. And according to the statistics, we cut down about 27,000 trees a day just for toilet paper. It’s as if we were literally flushing our planet down the toilet. But what can we do? We can’t change...