Apr 26, 2024 | Agriculture & Gardening, Bamboo Species
With a designation like Chimonobambusa tumidissinoda, this attractive species of bamboo was just begging to receive a friendly nickname. And thanks to its distinctive shape and useful structure, settling on a suitable moniker turned out to be something of a cakewalk....
Feb 5, 2024 | Agriculture & Gardening, Bamboo Species, Featured Posts
The botany of bamboo is a vast and diverse world of its own. The Bambusoideae subfamily of grasses includes nearly 100 genera and more than 1,200 species. And to the casual observer, the majority of these grasses look strikingly similar. But if you’re trying to...
Jan 8, 2024 | Agriculture & Gardening, Bamboo Species
If you’re relatively new to bamboo, you might be looking for a popular variety that’s easy to recognize and quick to grow. Perhaps someone recommended growing Golden Bamboo. Or maybe you came across it in a magazine and thought it would look great in your...
Jul 26, 2021 | Agriculture & Gardening, Bamboo Species
The realm of bamboo is vast and varied. With more than 1,400 species to keep track of, it can take some serious time and energy to wrap your head around it. You don’t need to become an expert before your plant your first bamboo in the ground, but there are some...
Jul 16, 2020 | Agriculture & Gardening
The decision to plant bamboo is not something to be taken lightly. Some people love it and some people hate it. But before you jump to any irrational conclusions, let’s consider all the pros and cons of planting bamboo. Bamboo is without a doubt one of the most...