Mar 11, 2024 | Agriculture & Gardening
If a little bit of bamboo is good, then a little more bamboo must be even better. So, when you’re growing bamboo, it’s natural to want to increase your numbers by propagating more plants. Maybe you have an unusually attractive species, and you want more of...
Jan 20, 2023 | Agriculture & Gardening, Bamboo Products, Green Living
Planting and harvesting bamboo is not only good for the environment, but it can also bring great benefits to the community that supports its cultivation. Peruse our website and you can find examples of this from all around the world. In Malawi, they plant bamboo to...
Jun 29, 2022 | Agriculture & Gardening, Green Living
You may have heard that bamboo grows like a weed. Yes, it can be profoundly prolific. But when it comes to sourcing the best bamboo for your garden, you don’t want to surround yourself with weeds. Finding a knowledgeable and reliable bamboo nursery can make all...