
Killing bamboo with bleach and gasoline

Killing bamboo with bleach and gasoline

If killing bamboo with bleach and gasoline sounds to you like a bad idea, that's because it is. But sometimes bamboo can spread so aggressively that it will drive gardeners to the point of madness. Rather than going to the trouble of excavating a bamboo plant and...

Is all bamboo hollow?

Is all bamboo hollow?

Bamboo is like no other tree. Of course, that's because bamboo is not a tree. Trees are solid, while grasses, including bamboo, are hollow. Trees grow larger in height and circumference every year, sometimes taking 50 years or more to reach full size. Individual...

Is bamboo invasive or just expansive?

Is bamboo invasive or just expansive?

Bamboo is a remarkable plant for a number of reasons. It is a grass, but it's also something more than a grass. It's famously renewable and sustainable. But sometimes it seems to be sustainable in the worst kind of way. You might even describe it as relentless and...