Aug 31, 2023 | Bamboo Products, Bambu Batu, San Luis Obispo
Incredible, indelible and infectious: just a few words to describe the year 2020. Among other seminal events, Bambu Batu permanently closed the doors of its brick-and-mortar store in downtown San Luis Obispo. But with a sliver of 20-20 hindsight, and a safe distance...
May 5, 2021 | Agriculture & Gardening, Natural Fibers, Worldwide
The history of bamboo weaves a rich and colorful tapestry that drapes across several thousand years of Asian culture. It’s as iconic and ubiquitous as the Chinese dragon or Japan’s rising sun. But once in a while, we come across a thread of bamboo history...
Oct 16, 2019 | Bamboo Products, Green Living, Natural Fibers
Sustainable, versatile, sturdy and flexible, the benefits of bamboo just go on and on. For thousands of years people have been using bamboo as a building material and a source of sustenance. To this day, bamboo houses are a common site across the rural parts of China...
Apr 30, 2019 | Bamboo Products, Green Living, Natural Fibers
What are we supposed to think when something that’s been around for five thousand years suddenly turns trendy? Yoga reaches the West, and it’s like something brand new. The paleo diet gets resurrected from the ice age, and it’s the culinary panacea....