Nov 9, 2021 | Bamboo Products, Natural Fibers
Unlike a lot of people on the internet who run affiliate blogs and haphazardly review all manner of bamboo products, I’ve actually been in the bamboo clothing business since 2006. Bambu Batu was introducing Californians to bamboo socks, t-shirts and...
Sep 13, 2021 | Bamboo Products, Natural Fibers
The sheer elegance of bamboo clothing and bamboo bedding might lead some to believe that it’s simply too luxurious for children to appreciate. At the same time, one of the greatest incentives for using bamboo is to help maintain and preserve a healthy, green...
Nov 27, 2020 | Bamboo Products
There’s a fun song we’ve been singing with our kids recently to help them learn the months of the year. Even if you’re well beyond the point of learning the months, you might still want to sing along. Cue the famous marching melody, and it goes like...
Apr 15, 2020 | Bamboo Products, Bambu Batu, Natural Fibers
It’s been nearly a month of shelter-in-place due to the covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, and chances are you’re about to lose your mind. Maybe you’ve settled into a healthy routine, getting up early, meditating for an hour and a half, and working from...